'Welcome to the world of un-innocence.No one has Breakfast at Tiffany's and Affairs to Remember.'Welcome,indeed ladies and gentlemen,to the Generation of the Millenials or the
Generation Y (why??) , as some put it!
WELCOME BITCHES .. WelcomE to the CoolEst ShiAt eva..This is shiz dude,shiz as shiz can be!!Hop on the Globe.. *spank* * tequila shot* *spank* Cheers!! ;)
The era of the clear-cut.The era of the Black&White.The era of the Baby Boomers.The era of a visible line of distinction between the rights and wrongs of the world.The era of the Generation X..has officially ended.
As my Dad puts it, "The cult of Convenience" is here and is here to stay.The generation of the perpetually confused is multiplying at Godspeed.The mantra applicable universally is "Each to his own".
"Taking a stand" has become an obsolete-thing-of-the-yesteryears.And if someone talks like,ahem ahem,like THIS.. he/she is classified as the perfect conservative "prude" of the highest order..Oh-so-13th century!Oh-so-redundant!Oh-so-period! Oh-so-blah!oh-so-sad-oh-so-slow!Oh-so-Audrey Hepburn-Harlequin-Jane Austen.. Oh-SO-Ancient! Indeed, gone really are the days of the Knight in shining Armour,Everyone wants a Cold Vampire or a Hot Werewolf in a Shiny Volvo and Trigonometry can kiss its own A(ngle)-S(ide)-S(ide)! Blah!!
But is this it? Is this the end of depth,sensibility,moral binding,smartness sans shrewdness,individuality,holding one's ground.. of Innocence? The end of White? The end of Black? Is THIS it?
Well,there is no big agenda behind writing this bit.Its just that i find myself face to face with these dilemmas more than often.And i realise that its not just me or people like me.Its everybody on some level or the other,for some subject or the other,over some issue or the other.Actually,the dilemmas i face are,trust me, N-O-T-H-I-N-G in comparison to what i find my peers facing! They might be really big biz level corporate issues or really menial level>>whether the left or right profile-looks-good-in-the-display picture-sort of an issue..At the risqué of sounding excruciatingly grotesque in today's matrix-X-men-times,i'd say that i think the world's spinning so fast that its affecting the brain directly by muddling up all that it constitutes.
I'll speak,with strict disclaimer,only for myself and confess that i usually find myself questioning those things that i probably condemn or know that they aren't acceptable and that,which are (in my head!) unambiguous in my values or clear cut in my morality.But leaving all that aside,i still question,i still wonder.
It might be a simple question OR a very complex huge life changing decision...those dilemmas..of taking one drag from a friend's ciggie,of one drunken fling,one act of harmless flirting when in a relationship,of one cheat code,of one superiority ascertaining conversation with the person whose hung upon you to ensure his/her hung-up-ness,of one whiff of marijuana,of one night stand,of telling your family everything about yourself,of one seductive move,of one bribe,of one tiny lie or one big lie or lies nonetheless,monogamy,exclusivity in a non committal (but for all practical purposes!)relationship,of honesty,of hiding small lil things from your "friends" that are may be important to them but technically you aren't bound to disclose them,of one tiny secret experimental sojourn of the homosexual world,of passing on one piece of gossip with tactfully placing the words to add that extra spice to it,of getting into one insignificant compromising promise to get an advantage,of interpreting one confusingly funny and marginally mean comment made by a close guy friend as that being that of a sexist or that indicating menace,of having one live-in relationship,of misjudging or aptly judging feminism,of trusting,of loving,of feeling loved,of betrayal,of peace.. and the list never ends.White meets Black.Black meets White..to give birth to what the world calls .. Grey!
Everyone faces them.As i'd like to call them....The Dilemmas of the Grey.
Grey. is the new pink!! and..black,white,red,blue,green,beige,crimson,auburn,violet,turquoise..and what not!Its the colour of the generation.The colour of our state of minds.The colour of the fuzzy stuff,invisible lines and opaque judgments that our mind harbors.The colour that attches a question mark on everything as an automated response to anything by the brain.The colour that ensures that when we see the mirror we dont see our real selves but we see the doppleganger,the evil self with red horns instead of the halo,the etheral double only with a heart and mind which looks,well,grey! Grey,as sadly and bluntly as i may put it,has become the colour of our personality.We have lost track of our whites and our blacks,of our rights and our wrongs,of the line that distinguishes us from the others,of the things that matter to us from those that matter to the rest of the world,of what according to "me" is "me" from what according the "majority" is "me".
Is it all about being technically sound and (not)morally bound..??I mean all of us,do these things,that in our head are not "us" .. I mean in our heads we go.."aal izz well ", in my world everyone eats rainbows and poops butterflies,in my world i have my own take on everything and do whatever i feel is right,in my world i eat cool-sauce on epic-noodles with some Fawesome-bread on the side,in my world i am normal,in my world i'm comfortable in my skin,in my world i'm the leading lady/man of my own life. But in reality i might be a textaholic,a sarcasticoholic,a prudestitue(a prude by nature dressed as a prostitute as a result of a confused state of mind and no faith in herself!)or a hetroemo(a gay guy who is too shy or too scared to admit his sexual orientation because of the world's opinion off him!) a woo hoo girl or a Die-hard fan,with a million minute things crowding my mind because they were so minute that they weren't worth mentioning(or were too right or too wrong for the world)to be mentioned in the first place but as they added up..they became a huge pile of ..well,a million minute confusing difficult things.
It must have started with one weak,lame ,moron with absolutely no confidence in himself/herself.. who must've started imitating the world and aping what the others thought was "cool"..1 became 2..which became 4..and 4 went onto become a 4 million..and now we see confused people.. roaming about not knowing what they are doing and why they are doing it in the first place.
Hence,the plastic-filled-botox-injected-timeless-beauties.Hence,the steroid-stuffed-protein-fed-six packs.Hence,the brainless sameness.Hence,the blind superficiality!
But what next? I wonder what will be the new Grey? Is there anything beyond grey?do they even have a color on any palette after this?
Are we still better off than what lies ahead in store for us?
Don't know.
Probably,don't want to know either!
Though what we do know is that may be its high time and we should just try,as much as we can,to at least get our whites and blacks straight, the hell out of our own pile of grey stuff ! Just may be we should. :)
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