Friday, September 3, 2010

Mind over Matter OR Sensitivity over Sensibility: Its always a bittersweet symphony.

Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life imitates art far more than art imitates life.

- Oscar Wilde

It was The Secret which was out in the open.Everything boiled down to science and was wrapped into three basic words "Law Of Attraction".Its no rocket science to understand what this is,its the same good ol' law which was applicable in the case of Adam and Eve,Eve and the apple,the magnets,freinds,like minded people,good food,good smell,lovers,pets..You name it.Life is what we make it..what we see it to be in our head..what we expect out of it,consciously or's an exact replica of what we have attracted from the Universe into our lives, what makes or breaks it! Perception,my dear friend,is that one thing that makes all the difference.

Suddenly i see and i realise that all the big claims that i made to myself that i've matured,become practical and more in control of myself .. are all false. I haven't after all become all that wise or all that super human! I still suffer a lot from all my emotional outbursts and still cry over tiniest of things because i have linked it to a million other small things,made a mountain out of a molehill,muddled them all up.. and made myself miserable in the process! So its just that I find myself worrying and getting upset over one tiny thing growing to an excruciating level.But probably its not just me..May be its an underlying thins.May be its a thread running through us all.. Its a universal thing or atleast a national one as i see it. If one thing goes wrong,if the mood is not set right from the word go,if negative thoughts kick in when good thoughts are still putting their shoes on,if one tiny lil thing doesn't start at the correct note.. life automatically changes from Eastman Color to Black& White.. Rainbow looks all shades of black,blue and grey and hope takes a back seat in the dark dingy corner of a now, hopeless life!

On the personal front...

Today things flared up,when i saw the morning light along with the shattered pieces of my favorite-(now i think!)lucky-precious-most pretty pink mug.I had for years and needless to say,i was very very attached to it.Upset as i was,one thing led to the other,one molehill joined the other in my head and formed the utterly undesirable mountain only to give my upset-ness a whole new level!
The mind immediately jumped into the over thinking gear and I(unnecessarily)took the emotional high road!
I watched TV with absolute disinterest,switched over to reading and tried to understand what Jane Austen was saying only to find myself at stuck on that sad-upset-ness increasing chapter where Jane tries to tell herself that the love of her life did not ever love her and had left her.Brilliant! Now thats all that one needs when in such a quirky mood. NO,Really !Getting even more upset,i chucked the book and turned to the beloved world of internet for some solace.Only to have a friend(if i may say so?) pop up and try to normalize the strained and the awkward friendship we shared,making me all gooey,emotional and falling for the same familiar comfort all over again which i was trying to get out of.Bad timing,i decided was this person's "thing".VERY VERY bad timing.It was so typical to have popped out at that very moment!When everything looked gloomy,doomed,dark and twisty..all you need to do is..turn to your Fidus achates-Girl Friday,Confidant,Punching Bag,Right hand Person..oh what not!(who btw fyi,in this case is a veryy veryy successful-top notch-high profile-page three-sort-of-a-future Designer,who studies at the ace and one of the best,most cool,most posh design institute of the world!)So what is a girl in distress supposed to do? Call HER! And before its too late i must mention the most important thing about my Girl Friday,if i'm in a crisis like this,she,in all probability would have made sure to have landed herself in a huger,better,more complicated,more hyped,more imaginary,more important..and of course, a more URGENT crisis than mine.
So i call the lady of the hour and even before i begin with all my whining,cribbing,crying and complaining..she hits the overdrive and begins all the above before i could! There it was..End of story. The focus shifts,we engage ourselves in a discussion which we had almost daily regarding all our troubles(big in our heads!trivial and insignificant in the others'!) and finally just somehow, arguing, preaching , talking . we realise how we made the mountain out of a molehill.. how we thought thought and thought till the time the mind could take no more.And got ourselves into major ruckus before we even knew what was happening!The futility of the situation becomes crystal clear and I give up being the Queen of Pathetic-ville & Crib-Station..and come back to normal.

On the national level...

With the "dayan mehngai" engulfing everyone,with rajya sabha tickets up for sale,with commonwealth games' sites submerged in filthy waters,with grains going waste for the lack of storage,with a large chunk of people still dying of hunger,with another major chunk of people dying of the dangerous dengue,with abu salem coming out of jail never having looked better and healthier in his life,with Rakhi Sawant delivering insaaf,with thackerays blaming the north indians for bringing diseases to the maharashtrians,with the nuclear liability bill(wait,we did hear about THAT a lot lately,but does a commoner know what we have signed up for?? errmm.. nada!) being signed with the display of the highest level political drama,with all this and much more going topsy turvey..the torch bearers of our country seem to get just one thing right again and again and again like that is the most urgent and important issue of national importance to be dealt with..the hike in the salaries of the MPs! that as we see it today is one thing which needsno debates,gets only "aye-s" with 100% votes,makes the smoothest amendments and not to mention the obvious-quickest implementation!
One scandal after the other,one craziness to the other,corruption,deception,cheating,fraud,shams,scams..we look at a grim future and do the one thing which we should absolutely not,concentrate only on the gloomy story.Look at only the negatives and dont count our blessings.We dont get ourselves together and as a country stand up united and put pour foot down to do something about it.Rather we sit here,let one negative thought give birth to a thousand others,multiply exponentially and hope for anything BUT THE BEST.

May be its in our nature to do that,may be we are tuned in that fashion,may be we have become the ever crying,the ever cribbing,the ever whining nation. May be we dont realise this,but in reality,the country is after all a reflection on us,may be our approach in our personal life is our approach about everything and anything around us.We sit and curse the people running the show but none of us join hands and do basic things that can help run the show better,none of us do something,anything to set an example for everyone to see,learn and get inspired to do the same.We choose to take the easy way out,to go down the whining street,to curse and run down ourselves,to see only that,thats going wrong, to crib to the world about our unhappiness and discontentment with our lives,to bask in our sad situation,to show the world how we can not handle our issues and find solutions to our problems! We as a nation are allergic to the word "responsibility".Our national game isn't hockey,its the "blame game" And we just have one national character,as it sadly seems,"Corruption".
We're on our way to claim the fame as the Pathetic-ville & Crib-station of the world.We the people of India,have seemed to have solemnly pledged before God and this country,to take the country down the dumps and not do anything to get it back on track.WAIT.WHAT AM I DOING NOW?AM I NOT DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING RIGHT ABOUT NOW.. ? No sir,I am not. I'm trying to drive home a point here.The point which has been stretched too far here is that,if at all we all want to do something and make a difference in a big way,if at all we do want to wake up from our deep slumber,we need to stop indulging in self pity on a daily basis,get it into routine and make it a habit to not sit and crib BUT to wake up and smell the coffee,take charge of our own lives and tackle the problem head on!

All I'm saying is,we need to make our lives hassle-free,we need to nub the problem in its root,we need to stop it exactly where it starts, because its like a mad contagious disease.. its just like wild fire.. its just like the hottest-raunchiest-freshest piece of gossip.. you never know when it spreads so fast that it engulfs the world in it! I had my bestie to take care of that day(and many others like them!) but on a bigger note,for the bigger picture,on a larger thought..WHY HAVE SUCH DAYS IN THE FIRST PLACE?WHY NOT JUST BE HAPPY POSITIVE PEOPLE..MAKING A HAPPY POSITIVE COUNTRY?
Why see only Black blue and grey when the world is such a beautiful lovely magnificent palette ready for our consumption.. Perception.As i said,my dear friend makes,ALL. THE. DIFFERENCE . :)

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