Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Empathetically Yours..


It all starts when you have the ability to understand what the other person is feeling by stepping into that person's shoes and seeing the picture with his/her eyes. When your heart can feel what the other person's heart is feeling. But when does empathy take over and take a high jump to become something else,something so strong that you feel even when you shouldn't,that you understand even when you shouldn't and ..mustn't?

When you have the ability to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it's like to be them, then,how do you decide when to stop feeling what the others are feeling when you're the butt of hurt in the situation?When the situation becomes unfair to you,is it still okay to understand the one being unfair to you?Does the world still expect you to understand??

Its only justified to NOT UNDERSTAND sometimes.And may be you shouldn't.Only to be fair to yourself..and Most importantly..To give the others a chance and see if they feel what you feel..if they understand that its not fair on you to empathize sometimes. 

Still.. feeling the way someone else feels is becoming a rarity by the moment.. And there's a lil thing called taking the high road.. and may be we all should(not at the cost of being a human being because its only human to not understand sometimes!)TRY and consider taking that before we jump to non-empathizing!

Empathetically Yours


  1. This is a very thought provoking post indeed... Empathy.. and Sympathy.. have a very fine line between them.. But I totally agree with you.. the people do not stop to think of others.. or how they feel.. Its become far too easy to hurt someone.. Loved your blog.. Keep blogging!!

  2. Thank You Patricia :)
    I'm glad you liked it!! Will keep blogging for sure !:)
