Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anybody home????

When i write it automatically makes me think whether i'm just rambling away to the universe or something OR is someone out there who is actually listening to what i have to say..In the exact way that I say it. When i follow other people and listen to what they have to say about something that intrigues me, I wonder whether someone follows me anonymously and find me intriguing perhaps?I know its perfectly human and expected for anyone to think this way..But then on second thoughts i just shrug the possibility because,lets face it,I'm no Jane Austen or Chetan Bhagat or Shobhaa De or Nigella Lawson or Amitabh Bachchan or the likes.I'm just a regular person who is here to do what everyone here does..pen everything down. And Just Write. whatever i feel like or don't feel like or what i'd want to feel like.. i just write it down.

Its comforting to know that i have my space.. a forum.. a stand of my own to just send to the world whatever i have to say without having to actually sit and talk or go lecture or write a book or anything that's more cumbersome or time consuming  than..blogging.

But then right after ensuring that one makes full use of this wonderful forum one cannot help but wonder whether there's someone who's actually listening to whatever is being said?!? I and the likes of me(and i know it for sure that there are a million trillion gazillion of them around the globe) go on and on and on.. and then suddenly we stop and think..hey!! anybody home?? are you listening to me or i'm just talking ..??

Lets admit.. its not only with respect to writing.Its with respect to everything and everyone in life..Don't we all wonder right after we've poured our hearts out,whether or not there's someone listening to us?Following what we have to say?Understanding us? And may be seeing things the way we see them? But the thing is.. Apart from this doubt,i know something for a fact.I might not know who is listening to me or following me so i know them.. but what i do know is that.. SOMEONE IS LISTENING to me. Yes. I say this with immense experience and a 1000% surety that whenever a person says something (i'm not sure whether someone somewhere's made for you!! BUT..) i do know that someone somewhere's listening to you.Just the way you are.We all are.Consciously,Sub consciously or Unconsciously.

So if you're reading this today and if you've ever thought that what you say is falling on deaf assured..Its not.It never has.And it never will. :)

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