Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Empathetically Yours..


It all starts when you have the ability to understand what the other person is feeling by stepping into that person's shoes and seeing the picture with his/her eyes. When your heart can feel what the other person's heart is feeling. But when does empathy take over and take a high jump to become something else,something so strong that you feel even when you shouldn't,that you understand even when you shouldn't and ..mustn't?

When you have the ability to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it's like to be them, then,how do you decide when to stop feeling what the others are feeling when you're the butt of hurt in the situation?When the situation becomes unfair to you,is it still okay to understand the one being unfair to you?Does the world still expect you to understand??

Its only justified to NOT UNDERSTAND sometimes.And may be you shouldn't.Only to be fair to yourself..and Most importantly..To give the others a chance and see if they feel what you feel..if they understand that its not fair on you to empathize sometimes. 

Still.. feeling the way someone else feels is becoming a rarity by the moment.. And there's a lil thing called taking the high road.. and may be we all should(not at the cost of being a human being because its only human to not understand sometimes!)TRY and consider taking that before we jump to non-empathizing!

Empathetically Yours

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Aakhir Big Boss exactly kya chahatein hain ??

Well, THAT only Big Boss can answer!!
But what i do know is that....i'm shamelessly obsessed with the show's 4th season now.. and after all that Sara-Ali wedding nonsense and all the breaking news of every reality show being "fixed' and being pre planned AND of course Pamela on her surprise visit,making the boys go dry for all the silicone and the wannabe girls(Read: veena and sara) just the right shade of green..i still continue to contribute my bit to help the TRPs(of Colors TV and all the news channels showing those sensational analysis!!)reach sky high!! I'm feeling so many things about the ghastly turn that this show is taking, that i want to just DO something for real about it.This feeling is attributed to the fact that i get transported back in time when i watch that show..
..Big Boss seems such a familiar territory.I look at the people and every time i do..nostalgia gushes out from all corners of my brain and flood my mind.It brings back the good,bad,ugly,uglier,ugliest and THE BESTest memories of the past half decade..Yes,everyone there in the giant Big Boss crazy place with me would agree with me on this and find a counterpart for each participant with someone we know from there.Its Hilarious.And very very true.We loved and hated each other for we had nobody BUT each other in there.Everything then boils down to the most basic human instincts when you have your own Dollys,Pamelas,Saras,Manojs,Veenas...you name it!
But,at the end of it all,there is only one winner.Through all the aadesh of the Big Boss..through all the Karyas performed..through all the niyamon ka ulanghan..through all the badtameezi, pyar and ashleelta that goes on inside..there emerges only ONE winner..And as we've seen in the seasons before this and in our lives..THAT one person is one who has honestly and patiently tolerated most of the sh*t in the house.And that my friend is the secret of the trade,patience.Yes,it can kill some and save some. Rahul Roy(Season 1),Ashutosh Kaushik (Season 2) and Vindu Dara Singh(Season 3) were all an amalgamation of patience and ___ something.
Rahul Roy : Patience and Diplomacy
Ashutosh : Patience and Luck
Vindu :Patience and Conviction
We all,as i see it,are 100% capable of that and___something.The only differing level is that of patience till the last drop.
So. Aakhir Big Boss exactly kya chahtein hain?? Big Boss Big Patience chahtein hain!! In life as in the show,Big Boss probably requires only this one characteristic which it tests continuously.. and its no big surprise or secret of the unknown for the likes of me..who've experienced what the participants experience in real life.
Without sounding more like a preacher and an enlightened soul.. I think(and you will too when you wise up!!hehe ) Patience trumps everything else in the world. And as Phoebe randomly once said to Joey to sound wise that ....Patience is the road to understanding,which is the key to a happy heart. 

I love happy hearts.I'm the biggest fan of happy hearts ever.And if that's what it takes.Then so be it..I know its not a cake walk.. but what the hell ! i'm not one to settle for less than a happy heart either ! Are you ?? 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anybody home????

When i write it automatically makes me think whether i'm just rambling away to the universe or something OR is someone out there who is actually listening to what i have to say..In the exact way that I say it. When i follow other people and listen to what they have to say about something that intrigues me, I wonder whether someone follows me anonymously and find me intriguing perhaps?I know its perfectly human and expected for anyone to think this way..But then on second thoughts i just shrug the possibility because,lets face it,I'm no Jane Austen or Chetan Bhagat or Shobhaa De or Nigella Lawson or Amitabh Bachchan or the likes.I'm just a regular person who is here to do what everyone here does..pen everything down. And Just Write. whatever i feel like or don't feel like or what i'd want to feel like.. i just write it down.

Its comforting to know that i have my space.. a forum.. a stand of my own to just send to the world whatever i have to say without having to actually sit and talk or go lecture or write a book or anything that's more cumbersome or time consuming  than..blogging.

But then right after ensuring that one makes full use of this wonderful forum one cannot help but wonder whether there's someone who's actually listening to whatever is being said?!? I and the likes of me(and i know it for sure that there are a million trillion gazillion of them around the globe) go on and on and on.. and then suddenly we stop and think..hey!! anybody home?? are you listening to me or i'm just talking ..??

Lets admit.. its not only with respect to writing.Its with respect to everything and everyone in life..Don't we all wonder right after we've poured our hearts out,whether or not there's someone listening to us?Following what we have to say?Understanding us? And may be seeing things the way we see them? But the thing is.. Apart from this doubt,i know something for a fact.I might not know who is listening to me or following me so i know them.. but what i do know is that.. SOMEONE IS LISTENING to me. Yes. I say this with immense experience and a 1000% surety that whenever a person says something (i'm not sure whether someone somewhere's made for you!! BUT..) i do know that someone somewhere's listening to you.Just the way you are.We all are.Consciously,Sub consciously or Unconsciously.

So if you're reading this today and if you've ever thought that what you say is falling on deaf ears..rest assured..Its not.It never has.And it never will. :)

The Power Packed Sabbatical !!

Previously on Silver Potpourri....

There was a whole lot going on on Silver Potpourri before this much deserved and well utilized hiatus!Well ..u got a sneak peak into my life.. in many ways some direct and some-not so direct.Things that mattered and things that absolutely mattered.And the reason i got "d/c-ed" ? Ah. That happened not because nothing was happening in my life but because too much was happening all around me to be able to absorb and reflect on.

I had been waiting since the last post for a day like today to come. When my laptop's charged to the max.,when there are absolutely no workers in the house,when the weather's perfection,when i can just sit by myself and be back here..with an outburst to be poured  :)

So..too much has happened since Code Silver..20.10.20 10 !
For starters, the whole CWG fiasco had started fading ..only to leave behind a corrupt trail of officials and unscrupulous authorities being investigated and probed.Writer and a crazy person Arundhati Roy did what she does best.. Make controversial statements about everything under the sun and then in an attempt to justify her stance only worsens the situation.. The "keeps" of the country united had their 15 minutes of fame in bid to have alimony rights from their beaus making live-ins an option less convenient and more accountable.. Unveiled also,was a certain rather lousy CM of a state who got into a grand-scam of a co-operative society apartments allotted to all the whos-who this man knew..Then. Obama  came and Obama went. With him came the coolest,most chic,most intelligent,most normal First Lady E-V-E-R Michelle Obama and a personal army to take care off..well EverythinG from the word go..and then there was the most adorable dance.. the non-committal question answer session.. breaking of protocol by the same old lousy CM ..capped by the hosting of the most lavish most sophisticated "Awadhi" Gala at the PM's Residence..One of our main festivals, Diwali happened too during this hiatus.. with all its purifying characteristics.. it came with all the lights,crackers,(pollution!),sweets,decoration,cards and prosperity for one and all.On a more personal front, the house..1/2 of it is successfully painted and maintained!*tears of joy* with the other half just about to start..*shudders at the thought of the rigmarole*   and then of course,the dreadful accident..and then 3 more till now .. happened !! The mob..the smashing of the car..the shock after. I'm just thankful to God i survived the ghastly inhuman act.Really. Survived. We're just thankful to God,that all through it none of the family members got hurt..probably the stars aren't in our favor..or wait..are they in our favor,more than ever,for saving us each and every time? Optimism is the best to be practiced at such times.. And with that leap of faith.. Now more than ever..i'm feeling stronger and better.. ready to work ! Yes,time to fly away from the beloved nest.. and start working.. more on that beginning as and when it happens . :)

And..i've been busy with a lot lately and today's our transition day when we shift into the other half of our house and empty the one to be done now..so i thought why not today!?..lets tell you..whoever you are..how i have been during my sabbatical..my power packed sabbatical! :)

Tell me if you will.. how you have been?? :)