Sunday, August 4, 2013

Flashback: Things I'd tell the younger me..

Dear Lil Me,

1. There are grey areas. I wish things were as white and as black as you perceive them to be. But they aren't. In fact, at some point you might think, that the only color in which things exit in life is - Grey.
2. Don't judge already! Yes. Even if its only in the most secretive of secret places in the corners of your head. Not just yet. Please don't judge!
3. Break some rules. The breakable ones, that is.
4. Very Soon, you are going to think that you like this boy , the way you've never liked another boy before and you will also think that this is it for you. Don't hold onto that feeling. Learn to let go. And learn it at the right time.
5. By now, you know exactly who your best friend is. Rest assured, that in this- this really is it! She's your soul sister. Never ever hurt her. Try not to let anyone else hurt her too. Especially on that Goa trip that you'll be on soon.
6. Study. Math is going to give you back, what you give her. Which is - NOTHING. Ok, start studying for the math supplementary exam! Just study more or something.
7. Even when you think your heart has a boy in it right now,you'll like other boys without understanding why you do, when you supposedly like the first one so much. (Ways of the heart I tell you! ) take the cue- if you liked the first boy so much, your heart wouldn't have wandered off to the other boys. Drop the first one... And let your poor lil heart be.
8. Repeat after me - Dimples are no big deal. They don't mean a good heart. Drop that second boy , who seems gaga over you, right now too. It'll save you a lot of trouble and chaos later. Actually, it'll also save him and a lot of other people a hell lot of trouble too.
9. You are lucky to have got it right by now, stick to it for life - family is everything. You are truly blessed!
10. If you try too hard to keep everyone happy then you will end up unhappy. If you try too hard to keep only yourself happy then you will end up making almost everyone unhappy. Strike a balance.
11. Carry a mascara and lipgloss to farewell! Crying, laughing, hugging, smiling, posing, kissing et al. You probably won't care that much, but it'll ALL show in the pictures for the posterity.
12. Make up your mind as to what you want to do now. You'll save a year of nothingness before college.
13. Dance will never leave you. Rest assured. If you love it that much, you'll see the lengths to which you can go for attaining that happiness, for yourself.
13. Know who you are friends with.
14. Don't expect to go to a fancy fairy tale college- infra-structurally  Be prepared to be shocked first and then taken in by the experience it will give you.
15. You will have so many friends who will teach you so many different life lessons. Try not to get upset or agitated or sarcastic when life's not black and white all the time. Giving those around you a tough time, by giving yourself a though time isn't going to help.
16. Don't take everything to heart. Please don't . Getting hurt so easily, getting affected by everyone so easily is not going to do you any good. Toughen up. Yes, that also means no crying, not even when you're alone.
17. There'll still be time when you go to college, if you haven't forgotten the boy I told you to forget, rather both the boys, forget them NOW. Soon in college , you'll get  an email and a messenger request. Don't reply and don't accept.
18. That best friend of yours, keep her by your side for your own good. Don't worry, possessiveness is an accepted side effect of that relationship! Realise it sooner than later,it'll make you fight with her and snap at her a lil lesser.
19. Study. Please.
20.  Exercise. Lots.(Lose that flab!)
21. Life is sooo much more better than it will seem sometime or the other. You'll think you've hit rock bottom. Be sure to tell yourself that you haven't even left the top, forget getting to the bottom. Make it a habit to count your blessings.
22. You will realise, 10 wise years later, that the world is generally filled with people who take the ones closest to them, for granted or sidetrack them.You are probably doing it too, in ways that you don't even realise are making you do it. Simple things like, not acknowledging your family or closest friend when you're with people you " hope " to make an impression on or people who you want to be close to or worst still, people who don't really give you that much importance as you give them.I'm not too worried about you on this front, cause for some reason you realise this, but still these are one of the things social networking will teach you, where all your friends and their friends and friends of friends confluence. You will observe yourself, your closest and the strangers.. And as stupid as it might seem.. You will be able to judge their general behaviour by the way they react or behave or whatever. When this happens, don't get hurt , thank your stars! :)
23. Go to Fateh Sagar more often. Take more walks by the lake. And try to wake up and enjoy the beautiful mornings as much as you can! That peaceful memory alone, of a breathtaking morning in Udaipur, will see you through a lot of dry and parched days , away from home. Fill your lungs with that air!!
24. Have fun. More fun, if that's even possible.
25. Maintain the clean heart policy. That never fails. No matters what I tell you right now, you must be perched on the couch or in your room, waiting for my sermon to get over, so you can call someone or paint your nails or think about somebody you have a crush on or think of things to do in school. So.. Go and live your life, the way you want to. Because when you reach here.. Where I am today.. I would want you to feel the exact same way that I'm feeling right now,at the end of point no 25..
This place, where you regret nothing, you want to protect your - younger- self from the wrongs and the silly mistakes you've made, but then mid way through the sermon , all of a sudden you realise - that every bit of it was worth it and needed to make me the person I am today. You'll have just the right friends, the beautiful doting family, the boy issues have  all evaporated( why some are your closest friends today!), there is this calm inside of you, that sense of understanding and clarity that comes with the age and experience.. Which assures you of the fact that all's well that ends well and that everything happens for a reason. You won't have it any other way too.. So go live it up !!
And just one more thing, Don't ever loose sight of the Big Picture.

Much Love,
Slightly bigger- Yourself

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