Saturday, October 13, 2012

7 Minutes of Haze

7 minutes.
When Curiosity Rover was to land on Mars,it was going to take 7 minutes to touch upon the surface of Mars.In those 7 minutes Curiosity was going to be on its own and officially out of its creators hands,here on Earth. Whether Curiosity lands / loses itself somewhere in the atmosphere could only be determined at the end of those 7 minutes.A positive signal from the Martian land confirmed Curiosity's safe landing there and brought back life to its creators who waited with baited breath for that one tiny signal.
Those 7 minutes were termed the 7 Minutes of Terror by the scientists on Earth,but as I see it and if the Rover somehow could ,those 7 Minutes would be termed as,by Curiosity,as the 7 Minutes of Blissful Solitude.

Its 10.55 A.M on a Thursday morning and I have some me-time in which I decide to perch on the couch with the latest edition of Vogue,with a tall glass of water and a huge warm mug of coffee,to get absorbed in my fav. mag. and invest some luxury time in it.Its that time of the year which I'm particularly not fond off.Its neither summer nor winter,its fall,its transition and its allergies!Still,for the first time in the quiet of my drawing room I realise something that makes even fall seem pretty to me.Its like my eyes have suddenly gotten permanent Instagram lenses for themselves!LOL Ok so,there's something fascinating about those 7 minutes. From Curiosity's point of view,of course. Because today I feel like Curiosity.Curiosity in her 7 minutes. (Yes,I think Curiosity's a girl because 1)I feel like her.I can't feel like a boy. And 2) Curiosity for a boy's name? Seriously.What sort of parents would do that to their child?) So yeah. Curiosity and her 7 minutes. Right now, it feels like Me and my 7 Minutes.
7 Minutes of Absolute Disconnect.7 Minutes of Blissful Solitude.7 Minutes of Peace. 7 Minutes of Quiet. 7 Minutes of Being In-Charge.7 Minutes of Total Control. 7 Minutes of Complete Freedom. 7 Minutes of Stress. 7 Minutes of Relief.
7 Minutes of Blaze. 7 Minutes of Chase. 7 Minutes of Grey's. 7 Minutes of Amaze..
7 Minutes of an All-consuming Haze.

There'll always come a time in your life,one particular alignment of the cosmos,when you will be done with your past and be waiting for your future.That time your past will be a blur as its already done and packed away.At the same time,your future will be a packed in another blur,waiting to unfold.In that blurry dimension,all you will be engulfed in is going to be a haze,a state of absolute disconnect and you'll be living,truly in the present. In the here and now.When you reach that dimension in life,my advice to you would be to kick ass each moment.Cause that baby,is the 'Zen'-est time of your life.This is what they were talking about when they said- "Do not go after the past,Do not lose yourself in the future.For the past no longer exists,And the future is not yet here. By looking deeply at things just as they are,In this moment, here and now,The seeker lives calmly and freely." 
This is going to be the time when every emotion gushes in together.You will almost be capable to feel everything at the same time.This is the beauty of transition.But you'll have 2 choices to make here, 1) Go crazy!!!! :o :( 2) Go crazy. :) Right now,when I realised how everything is so beautiful as I'm living in right now,not having to think about what has already happened and not having to give a thought to what is about to happen,as it'll happen anyway,whether I sweat about it or not, I also realised how up until now i had chosen option 1). And I was going crazy,about being able to feel calm and anxious at the same time.I just realised how wrong I was.I MUST go crazy now. I don't have to worry about the life gone by,I can't do anything about the life about to come.So what the hell am I doing to my life right now??I must enjoy every moment I get to read my Vogue,to go out for every crappy movie just because I can,wake up at inconvenient times,well cause I can,spend time with family cause that'll never be enough and that'll definitely get scarce,read books,pursue hobbies,do random courses, have binges,see sunrises and sunsets,take care of my body,chill with friends..have as much me time as I want to have!!
My life should be the biggest freakin party I can ever see!Cause I know in my hearts of heart,that there will be a time when I will yearn for all of it, there probably will never be another here and now.BUT its here right now and these are my 7 minutes.In life,you will realise that it really doesn't matter in the long run,what happens at the end of those 7 minutes.Either you land or you don't.If you succeed its good,if you don't then there is always a better chance,you get right back up and start over.I realised I might /might not have Instagram lenses for long. I better grow and find myself before I reach the conclusion of my journey. So I don't want to waste them on slopping and not enjoying my 7 minutes of Blissful Solitude!! And I suggest you don't too. STEP IN THE HAZE BABY,CAUSE IT'S SHOWTIME ;)

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