Monday, September 12, 2011

Hopeless Cuteness ~ Unwavering Courage

19 Blog posts till now and not ONE exclusively dedicated to my hopeless romantique self ?
I can't believe myself ! What use were all those Mills & Boons and all the utterly outrageously and crazily romantic movies that I've bred on all my freaking life!!

So, I'm totally of the camp which believes in Prince Charming ..The knight in shining armor riding the glistening white horse in the starry night on a full moon day,who will come and sweep his Princess off her feet in one swift movement and take her away with him forever and ever.(ALL Fairytale stuff!) Or the hero who swooshes the heroin when he offers her his hand when she's running to catch the moving train..(DDLJ!)*sigh*
YA. Downright romantic. Downright make belief and unrealistic and immature and fictional and blah blah and BLAH.
But, whats a life without a lil dash of beautiful imagination in it? And when that beautiful imagination turns into even more beautiful reality .. That's the kind of stuff, real love is made of. And that's the kind,we heart ;)  Where imagination meets the reality and when beautiful meets even more beautiful.<3

Having said that, its no big surprise that i love that hopeless cuteness that comes with all this imaginary paraphernalia and also that,once you do find the one for you..the prince charming/princess of YOUR life..there attaches to the pair of you.. this adorable "hopeless cuteness".Phases when you cant stop thinking about each other,when you knowingly let go and overlook every flaw of the other person that stares you in your face,when you cant stay away from each other,when you just cant let the other person be,when all you want is them,when all you can feel are the butterflies in your stomach and the blush on your cheeks! :)
One look at the person and you melt like a load of wax on fire.. the gamut of emotions come to life and all that one can see,feel and look is.. HOPELESSLY CUTE ! :)
And as that hopeless cuteness builds,along with it grow a lot more things, which are stronger and more solid than just this adorable phase.. The things that somehow turn this hopeless cuteness into unwavering courage.

Unwavering courage to decide to be together.To stand against all odds.To be there through thick and thin.To stand shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand..fair and square. Through and through.As i see it,that's one thing people fear if they're in 'love'(supposedly).And that's the thing about courage,no one can ever tell or ever predict who will show what level of courage or guts or valor and when.The most non courageous people will stand up for what they believe in,if and only if,the thing that you're standing up for is standing with you. Up.Front.And Center. Being the pillar of strength to stand against every eventuality that may come between you.

I'm all for Happy Endings as i am for undying love that gives rise to that passionate courage.So darling,if you feel hopelessly smitten by someone and get the same hopeless smitten-ness back,then don't be afraid to really fall into 'love' and commit and go all out and draw courage from your love and be together against all odds.
And then watch that puppy-like hopeless cuteness become a tigress-like unwavering courage.

The thing is, if its real love my friend, you don't have to worry about trying to find the guts to stand up for it,convince your families etc.,worry about anything else on the earth, because all that real love does is,bring out the things in you,that you probably didn't even know existed. You'll be amazed to know that..THAT just the tip of that iceberg!!

THAT my  love , is what they call a happy ending to a happy beginning :)